Sunday, December 27, 2009

29 Days and Counting.....

Whoa!  Less than thirty days to go! 

I went for an ultrasound on Thursday morning at the hospital, my regular doctor's office was closed so that's where they sent me.  I was mighty apprehensive to go on Christmas Eve, because last time I was pregnant if I went to the hospital they had a tendency to keep me there.  And I'd already had the conversation with my unborn baby boy a few times.....just wait until after Friday and anytime after that will be OK.  Luckily, everything looked fine from within and they sent me home without incident.  However, I was in the elevator with a doctor who took one look at me and said "Oh!  Do you think you might have the Christmas Day baby this year?"  To which I replied..."Ummm...I hope not!  I'm not due for another month!"  :)

I had officially entered that lazy "I don't want to do anything phase."  On Christmas Day my mom and husband bustled about, setting the table, prepping food, pouring drinks, usually stuff I'm doing.  I sat a good part of the day in a comfy chair and chilled.  Then yesterday, I seemed to pop out of that phase and plunge head-first into the "I have so much to do! Nesting Phase."  We went out to dinner and then made a trip to Target for a couple of things.  Brian had to talk me out of re-stocking some items in our linen closet, firmly insisting that we didn't need to stockpile enough shampoo to get through the year.  We hit the baby aisles to get some diapers for Will, and came home with some more new bottles and a new diaper bag.  Today I'm doing probably ten loads of laundry, none of which yet are baby clothes in Dreft.  I need to find the baby clothes first.

The clock is definitely ticking, and Baby Boy Watch 2010 is absolutely on!


asplashofsunshine said...

You do not have 29 days girlie. You will go at least a week or two early. That's just my gut feeling. :) I can't wait to see pics!

CraftyMomof3 said...

You really are doing well this time! And Brian should know that there is never enough shampoo. Jeesh.