Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mitts n Bags

Ugh...who wants to think about mitts in 90-degree heat!  Here is another reason why I couldn't live somewhere hot and humid.....nothing to knit, really!  I know that there must be knitters in places like Arizona and Florida but seriously, what do they make?  No need for scarves and the like and yes, I know it gets chilly sometimes in Florida.  One hat will probably do you for life.

Anyway, my latest projects include fingerless mitts and a cute little bag.  I've officially now progressed to items that aren't square or rectangular!  The first pair of mitts is for me.  They're full of mistakes but I don't care, I love them.  And this raspberry yarn is SO pretty.  :)

After this pair, I decided to cast on another pair as a birthday gift for a friend.  I got this yarn at the big annual tent sale at Webs.  (that place is crazy enough without a sale by the way....this was wall-to-wall people and very long lines!  Scored some great deals and got enough for current projects and to keep me happy for at least a little while)  I loved the varigated violet and olive of this wool.  Unfortunately, when I started winding the hank it got all knotty.  Brian, who is a pro at detangling stuff (necklaces, yarn, you name it!) gave it his best shot but we ended up having to sacrifice some.  Needless to say, I made this lovely, perfect-with-no-major-mistakes mitt.  And I don't have enough yarn to make another one until the second hank that I ordered shows up in the mail.  If I didn't work full-time I'd be home, stalking the mailman!

 pretty, yet evil knotted hank

 Perfect, it just needs a mate

So, in order to pass the time (ha ha ha, I mean time while I should be cleaning. Or sleeping, sleeping's overrated)  I've cast on a small bag from my one-skein project book.  Check it out!  I'm finally knitting in the round!  I've come so far this year, it's amazing what you can do with books and an occasional instructional video on youtube.  Not to mention the help of the other Hooks and Needlers that I meet up with every Wednesday!

And as a parting note, I saw a t-shirt online that should be my new motto:  "I knit so that I don't kill people."  :).  I need that t-shirt!!!


adventures in rhode island said...

that really is awesome all the new projects you are learning to do! and you HAVE to get that shirt, lol!!

Anonymous said...

I saw one on cafepress the other day that reminded me of you. I was searching for scrapping t-shirts when I saw a travel coffee mug that said, "I'm not easily distracted, I...Hey. Look. Yarn!" Too cute.