Friday, January 22, 2010


Will's reaction to the Summertime Wordless Wednesday?  He has begged on more than one occasion to go and play in his sandbox.  Nevermind that there's a ton of snow in the backyard, we MUST find it!!  Distraction via play-doh and watching the Disney Channel are helping, but I'm afraid if he gets in the backyard he'll start digging for it.

Perhaps he's feeling the same cabin fever that I am.  I've pretty much been nowhere but home since the New Year.  Sure, a hospital stay, doctor's appointments, etc.  But nowhere else.  I've either been busy or too tired.  I think I'll have to remedy that this weekend, even if it's just a 20 minute trip to the grocery store or something.  Sean's been doing really well, but yesterday he was quite fussy and the only place that he would fall asleep and STAY asleep was on me, wrapped up in a blanket!  Needless to say, I watched a lot of "That 70's Show" reruns yesterday and meals consisted of anything I could reach with one hand!  I am getting pretty good at typing with one hand, though.

Plus I looked around the house this morning and I'm wondering, how the heck did it get so cluttered and messy??  Baskets of unfolded laundry, a pileful of dishes, toys on every surface....I knew the house was going to go to Hell when we brought Sean home but it's starting to bug me.  So today, I'm dreaming.  Dreaming of a fairy housekeeper, instead of a fairy godmother.  Oh, and a shower.  A shower would be nice.  Since both kids are home with me, the shower will oly be able to be accomplished if I bring Sean into the bathroom in his bouncy seat and Will cooperates by watching the Sprout Channel so I can get in a five-minute shower.

Time to stop dreaming and get to doing.  20 minutes of cleaning and a shower ought to do it.  And I have company coming today, my friend is bringing sandwiches for lunch and her toddler son to play with Will!  And hey, it's Friday!!  Brian will be home all weekend!  Gotta have things to look forward to.  :)

1 comment:

asplashofsunshine said...

Take a shower when your friends come today. Seriously! You'll feel refreshed and fabulous, and they will feel like they have helped you out tremendously. Have a good weekend! Take more pics, I'm due for a baby pic fix. :)