Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cleaning Out My Closet

Spring's in the air, and I always get the spring cleaning bug.  But I get over it just as quickly, so hopefully I finish what I set out to do before Spring Fever leaves the house!  I'm going back to work in a  few weeks (sniffsniff) and really had no idea what I had in my closet to wear or what even fit.  I got back into my pre-pregnancy jeans two weeks after Sean was born (Hooray!!!)  but of course, some things just don't fit "right" after the baby comes.  That, and I don't think I've bought work clothes in a long time.

I'm not what you call "fashionable" or "style savvy."  I live in comfy clothes.  My wardrobe consists of flat shoes, jeans and t-shirts.  Black slacks for work with an assortment of boring tops.  I find something I like and then WEAR IT TO DEATH.    It's better than it used to be....I used to have no grip of what was a bad choice:  the first time in college that I went dancing with my girlfriends, I wore something that was popular at the time, a pair of denim overalls and a t-shirt.  OK for schlepping to classes, not exactly a sexy look for a nightclub.  No guy really wants to dance with the girl that looks like a vivacious toddler.    I had "Mom Style" years before ever becoming a Mom. 

Cue in "What Not To Wear."  I watched this show obsessively a few years ago, and flipping through TLC today while feeding Sean gave me an idea:  I may live in jeans and tees on weekends, but it's time to start giving a damn about what I look like at work.  I need to stop going to work in my "uniform":  stretchy pants, vague sweaters and flat shoes.  Time to branch out!  So in the spirit of things, I made a pile of clothes to Freecycle and organized what I have.  I also made a list of things that I would like to get.  How about some pants that aren't black or tan?  In the next few weeks, I'll start browsing and seeing what's out there and try to jump out of my comfort zone.  It's time to be a Mom with Style.  :)


adventures in rhode island said...

oooh! i like! i know EXACTLY what you mean. i know how to rock a pair of sweatpants these days. and i have these 3 fleece half zips sweatshirts that i wash and wear over and over again! (poor john) i'm not exactly a fashionista either, but funny you wrote this because i am trying to branch out myself. I say i am working on "shannon 2.0" now, lol. hopefully i can give myself an upgrade. :)

The Caffeinated Mommy said...

Good for you, Ginny! I can totally relate to this post...I live in a tank top, long-sleeved t-shirt layered on top, and either yoga pants or (if I'm feeling all dressy) jeans. It's so hard to be motivated to have any kind of style these days! Have fun shopping for REAL CLOTHES! ;-)

Oh, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Stacy and Clinton. Would someone please nominate me for their show? Please?