Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy Birthday to You, Will!

Dearest Will,

Happy Third Birthday!  I cannot believe how big a boy you are getting to be.  I love having conversations with you and watching your wheels turn as you discover new things in your world!  I am in awe as you want to do everything "by yourself!" but still want me to read you stories and snuggle with you at bedtime.  You are Mommy and Daddy's pride and joy. 

This next year is going to be very special.  You will become a big brother, you'll go to school to learn stuff with other kids, and lots of other exciting stuff.  We can't wait to see what's in store!  Happy Birthday today, and always.  We love you!

Mommy and Daddy

 Will's 2 year portrait

 Thanksgiving, 2007

 Playing at Toby's house, February 2008

Daddy and Will, Christmas Eve 2006


CraftyMomof3 said...

Happy Birthday buddy boy!!! We love you.

adventures in rhode island said...

Happy Birthday, Will!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy (belated) Birthday,
From all of us to you!
We wish we all lived closer,
So we could party too! Yay!

I've got a box for you Will going out on Monday. I'm sorry I mised the actual day... :( Your Mom is much better at this than I am.