Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Baby Memories

With all of the hustle and bustle around here, I haven't thought a lot about what things are going to be like when the baby arrives.  I mean sure, I've thought of the sleep deprivation, and labor and delivery, stuff like that.  I've thought about getting things ready for his arrival.  But there's a million little things I haven't thought of, and won't until something reminds me of them.

With Brian away, I'm up to my old tricks of staying up too late.  Last night, after switching around laundry, doing dishes and FINALLY packing up my obligatory two boxes of stuff from the guest bedroom and posting a bunch of freecycle stuff, I settled down in front of the TV for last week's Grey's and working on the new baby's cross-stitch birth record.  Then still feeling restless, I cracked open a book  (Sookie Stackhouse "Living Dead in Dallas," anyone?)  I then realized that I was paying dearly for the amount of work I had put in with the freakin' sciatica.  I opened the nightstand for some Tylenol and spied an old diary.

Now, I kept a diary for most of my teenage years and probably for a little of college too.  This is one that I started like three or four years ago.  I am in no way good about writing in it, only the first dozen pages are filled in.  But this is an excerpt of an entry from Jan 2007 that made me smile: 

"Tonight was so adorable.  Will drifted off to sleep as I was feeding him his last bottle of the day, with the bottle still in his mouth.  Brian picked him up, brought him to the nursery and gently laid him in the bouncy seat.  He sleepily opened his eyes, gave us one of his trademark grins and promptly fell asleep.  It was like his way of saying, "Night-Night!" 

That would've made him about three months old.  And it's just another moment where you realize that you are SO IN LOVE with your child!  I can't wait for moments like that with this one.  :)

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