Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hi, Baby....

This vacation is spoiling the hell out of all three of us! We stay up really late at night, and then we sleep in till like 9 (Will included.) Will also has a TV in his bedroom. We taught him how to use his remote the first night we were here, but he found a "Sponge-Bob" marathon and refused to sleep. (He's not allowed Spongebob at home, so he turns into a little junkie if he happens to see it) So now the remote comes with us when we kiss him goodnight.

I went into his bedroom this morning and turned on "Handy Manny" and we snuggled in front of the TV for a little while. Then he wanted to roughhouse and climb all over Mommy, which is of course a big no-no. For the millionth time I explained that "Mommy has a baby in her belly" and that's out of the question. He kissed my belly and said "Hi Baby! " Awwwwwwwww.......that just about melted my heart! Then he rolled over and went back to Manny.

1 comment:

asplashofsunshine said...

I got shivers reading that. I remember Juliana doing that too. I hope you have a journal. Even if you onlt write it in a few times during your pregnancy, you'll be glad you did.