Thursday, July 16, 2009

Giving Mom a Good Scare...

I was getting ready for work yesterday, and Will was doing his usual weekday morning routine: eating a cereal bar and watching "Blues Clues." I went to my room to get dressed for work, my usual routine. Suddenly I hear this loud noise and Will's yelling. I step out closer to the bedroom door to hear what he's yelling about.....and it sounds like "Mommy! The TV is on fire!!!"

Well, I think I broke some sort of speed record for sprint n' hurdle for the amount of time it took me to bound, half-dressed from one side of the house to the other! Yeah.......there's no fire. He's simply played with the remote and the TV screen is snowy and loud from all the fuzz. By now he's covering his ears and screaming "Loud Noises!!!" I switch it back to Blue and his friends and lovingly tell him that the TV is indeed not on fire and it's all OK now. "Thanks, Mom." And he puts his thumb back in his mouth and goes back to zoning out to Blue's antics.

I guess it's a good thing that he'd at least warn me if there was a real fire, right??? :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gotcha to move, though, didn't it?!?