Sunday, November 13, 2011

(Knit) Girl's Night!

When I mentioned at knitting the other night that I was going to Maine to visit a college girlfriend of mine, the invariable first question was "Oh, is she a knitter?"  Why yes, yes she is.  She is a knitter because I "turned" her, kind of like vampires in True Blood.  :)  She came over to the dark side last summer when I taught her how to purl (she already knew the knit stitch) and Damn!  The girl made scarves for her entire family, and is going to start her sixth pair of socks soon!  I created a that loves to go and look at yarn and talk patterns with me.  So this is obviously a win-win situation!

I made it up to Maine on Saturday afternoon, and we ventured to nearby Dover, NH for sushi and yarn shopping at her favorite local yarn store.  (LYS for those in the know)  The store's owner was very helpful and knowledgeable in their stuff, and I picked out some yarn that I will save up for to make myself a clapotis scarf.  (I'm an instant-gratification kind of girl when it comes to yarn, so this is huge for me!)  I figure if I'm going to spend like $80 for one project, it's got to be something that I will love and wear the hell out of!

On the way back to Maureen's apartment, we took a detour to Rochester, NH, where Brian and I lived for about a year while he was wrapping up his Naval career.  The area had changed so much, I barely recognized it!  Our old house had been sold again, and was being completely gutted.  Since no one was around, I pulled into the driveway and we were super-nosy, peering in the windows from the car.  It was so weird.  Twelve years is a really long time, no?  And nothing ever stays the same.

Later on, we met up with a good friend of Maureen's, for Mexican and Margaritas in Portland.  Mexican and sushi in one day?  Wow, that's awesome!  And then after dinner we proved the old ladies that we have become and watched Bridesmaids while knitting...her working on a baby dress and me a red lace scarf for myself.  I was shocked to see it was 1:00am when the movie was over and we hustled to bed.  The morning found us winding sock yarn from a big, messy tangle and then heading out to breakfast.  Then it was the drive back home.

What a perfect night away.  I came home to both boys excited to see me, and a cleaned-up house.  So now I feel recharged and ready to take on the (frantically busy) week!

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