Saturday, February 19, 2011

Three Things That Never Happened Before

There really IS something to this "Lifestyle Change" stuff.  Some Examples below:

Yesterday, I had to go to Boston in the morning for work.  My work laptop had fried during the week and I got the call that I could pick it up and that it was fixed.  (the rest of the day involved sighing as I tried to re-install my printer and find all my documents, but I digress...)  On the way back to work I needed to stop at the bank and get something to eat.  The idea of a D'Angelos sandwich sounded just....o.k.  Then I brightened as I remembered that I had Asian-Style Chicken and Veggies and flour tortillas at home!  A fifteen minute lunch at home that ended with ONE piece of chocolate and I was back on the road.  I've never really wanted to eat at home instead of going out to a restaurant before.

On Wednesday, I went to see the doctor for my three-month checkup.  I've had to do that since I was diagnosed with hypertension.  Not only was I down thirteen pounds from the last time I was blood pressure was in the normal range!  Now, I know that the medication is a big factor, but the weight loss is certainly helping.  And since I have a family history of hypertension on both sides of my family, I may always be on medication, despite losing weight.  But the weight loss AND a drop in blood pressure!  The doctor gave me a big smile and said that I was doing awesome.  Awesome!  I've never had a doctor tell me that before, usually it's a not-so-gentle reminder of what weight gain does to a person and what am I doing for exercise.

That brings me to the next thing:   exercise.  I'm kind of starting to plateau.  So I need to get my butt moving.  From what I understand, if I find an exercise that I enjoy, there'll be a more likely chance that I'll do it.  So I guess I'm going to start looking!  I've never "wanted" to exercise before. What an interesting week!


CraftyMomof3 said...

Yay! you rock Mama! A tip in the exercise?? Get Just Dance and do the Just Sweat part. Does wonders, it's fun and man do you get a work out! And I HATE exercise as much as you!

adventures in rhode island said...

that is awesome and a huge accomplishment! for the exercise part, have you heard of zumba? i've never tried it but want to. a few friends do it at the gym, it's a dance/exercise class. they say it's a blast. if i lived closer, i would make you do one with me so we could relive our tap class again ;)