Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Despite My Best Efforts...

....I can't seem to be on time anywhere!  It doesn't matter what time I get up to get ready for work, something is bound to get in the way of getting out the door on time.   If I arose at 5am something would happen and I *still* would be hustling the family out of the house precisely when I'm supposed to be at work.  This morning the Big Kid didn't want to get out of bed.  His exact words were, "Come and get me after you put on your makeup, Mommy.  I'm too sleepy to get up."  The Little One however, is always ready and raring to go!  He stands up in his crib and stares at the door, making adorable noises and blowing raspberries.  I always leave my own breakfast as the absolute last thing, and usually end up scarfing it like someone is going to take it away from me. 

Luckily, I know that I'm not alone.  In talking to some of my knitting friends who are also working Mommies, we ALL do it.  We all tap dance through the morning routine, packing lunches, convincing kids that their allergy cough is NOT enough to stay home, that the dog doesn't actually need to eat that leftover cereal, cursing the fact that the baby who is now mobile only wants to crawl UNDER the crib and then cry about it while you're looking for your other shoe.  Thank goodness it isn't just me! 

1 comment:

The Caffeinated Mommy said...

Oh God, YES, you are not alone. I am just going to copy and paste this post over on my own blog...