Thursday, January 10, 2013


And now a bright spot in winter:  Sean turns three today!

He woke up this morning kind of like the day he was born with a big healthy screech.  Only this time it wasn't about the cold, bright place, but not wanting to get out of bed.  So I guess it IS kind of the same thing.  Upon wishing him a happy birthday, my "baby" rolled over sleepily and informed me that it wasn't his birthday yet.

Now he's watching "Princess Week" with Bubby on Disney Jr. and enjoying the donuts I bought on the way home from knitting last night.  Tonight, in family Tradition, dinner is whatever he wants.  So we're having chicken, french fries and birthday cake per his request.

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!  Mommy, Daddy and Bubby love you more and more every day!

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