Thursday, May 7, 2009

Such an Imagination

I'm having so much fun seeing Will's imagination develop. Here's what I've heard this week from our little peanut:

"Oh Mommy, I love red pepper! And Peas! I love peas!" (Uh like red pepper. When I shred it and hide it underneath a layer of cheese on "pizza." Peas? sure.)

"I broke Papa's truck, but it's ok. Uncle Brian fixed it." (never happened)

He also told me he was making pancakes. "Pancakes" consists of taking Brown Doggie in a sand shovel and flipping him over on a couch. Most delicious pancakes ever!

And yesterday morning, he was very upset that I wouldn't get "in the airplane" (i.e. our bathroom) and watch a movie with him. He's never been on an airplane, and knows that they have movies??? :)

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