Thursday, November 12, 2009

What to do, what to do......

Thursday night conversation between Brian and I:

Brian:  "What are we doing this weekend?"

Ginny:  "looong list of obligations, cleaning, errands and running around, Sunday night insomnia and Monday morning regret that we didn't get some things done."

Brian:  "Oh."

When asked this week....I suddenly realized that we have a weekend without plans.  A FREE WEEKEND!!  Not from obligations of daily living of course, but nowhere to go!  Yippeeee!!!!!   Whatever will we do with ourselves??


CraftyMomof3 said...

No way! What's that like?

Crafty Mama said...

I have no idea....I'll let you know. :)

The Caffeinated Mommy said...

HATE the Sunday night insomnia...argh! But LOVE the Friday night feeling of freedom. ;-) Enjoy your weekend!!