Monday, November 9, 2009

What Drives Edward...

Saw this over the weekend...I suppose it was only a matter of time for this tie-in...just in time for the release of New Moon!


Anonymous said...

It doesn't make me want to go out and get a volvo....I doubt it does for most people. Silly!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome Ginny!!

Anonymous said...

I somehow ended up immune to this Twilight bug. On a daily basis I am surrounded by adult and juvenile fans of this series and it never ceases to amaze me how far some people will go. Two of our seventh graders were sent home for a half day of suspension for getting in a fight over who is better, Jacob or Edward. Yeah...that's not even the astonishing part. Two teachers went in to break up the argument and one of them ended up yelling back at one of the students because she favors Edward. What??!! The teacher was given a day of unpaid administrative leave and has to take a conflict resolution class.

We actually saw this commercial in the movie theaters over the past few weeks. Yes, the theatre...