This week has brought some news to our house: I have developed gestational diabetes.
It's not a huge shock, I had it when I was pregnant with Will too. So I know it's only for the next 84 days (yes I've counted) and I know the outcome, that it will disappear by giving birth. But it still sucks.
Counting carbs is no fun. I will likely be prescribed insulin shots next week, also no fun. NO FUN, I TELL YOU! Especially with Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas all coming up before the baby's due. But obviously this is something I can't ignore or wish away, so I choose to remain positive and embrace what's been given me. I feel lucky, believe it or not, because last time I also had preeclampsia and had to be induced two weeks early because of sky-high blood pressure. My blood pressure has been beautiful so far, so if I "had" to develop a complication then this is the lesser of the two evils.
So, I do feel a little blue, but I know that the first peek of this beautiful boy after he is born will be worth what little "suffering" I have temporarily. However, when my husband or my dad offers to get me a treat after labor this time.....Hhhmmmmmm I'm going to have to think of something absolutely sinful! :)
Hang in there!! Gestational diabetes sounds like a drag...and you're right, think of the highest-carb, absolute-most-sinful-dessert ever to have IMMEDIATELY post-birth. ;-)
Hang in there, you're almost done!
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