Monday, October 5, 2009

Pure Laziness

Brian left for Chicago yesterday for a conference.  Growing up, I can remember my Dad going on a few business trips and we'd be allowed to do all sorts of things we normally weren't allowed to.  Like, the first night he was gone was always ice cream for dinner.  And if my mother went away, it was the same kinds of things.  I think it made us forget to miss them as much...or something like that.  Anyway, Will and I had just about the laziest Sunday ever!  Loafing, watching movies, playing with toys and napping.  Oh, and I read a bit.  I didn't even get out of my nightgown until 4pm!!  I honestly can't remember a time that I've done a day like that.  Usually I'm working from a to-do list a mile long...this was exhilirating!

I did make the mistake of letting Will take a nap with me during the day yesterday.  He was quite perturbed when I made him sleep in his own bed last night night.  Whoops.  Now it's Monday morning, and I'm about to wake the boy....hopefully he's in a good mood.  Day one of single parenting down, 36 hours to go! 

1 comment:

The Caffeinated Mommy said...

yay for lazy sundays! hope will is a model toddler for you for the next 36 hours!