Thursday, October 15, 2009

Overwhelm Much??

I think that I need a personal assistant.  Yep, that's exactly what I need. 

How much stuff can you cram into one month???  Family gatherings, FOUR birthday celebrations (and two of them are for your child!)  the dog needs a vet appt and a separate appt for bloodwork the week before, a wellness visit for your kid, gestational diabetes tests and Halloween??  Those are just the big things, there are like a hundred little things to go along with that.  Not to mention that I have a Palm Pilot cram-jammed with work crap as well....housing court appearances, paperwork deadlines....blahblahblah. 

Usually I'm really good about writing things down on the calendar but I forgot Will's annual KNOW it's the same day as the dog's bloodwork, and the day before the 3hr diabetes test and the furnace appt.  So that's at least a full day of work off between the two.  Augh! 

I'm very much looking forward to November.  There's nothing much on the calendar....yet!


CraftyMomof3 said...

Insanity is right! LOL wait until you have to throw karate,soccer,school parties, feild trip forms and a shower in there! (There are more but didn't want to drone on! LOL)

Remember to take care of you too.

The Caffeinated Mommy said...

Personally, I think every woman should be handed a personal assistant as they leave the hospital with their first born. Seriously. Stop with the free diaper bags and formula samples and GIVE US SOMETHING WE CAN USE.

Hang in there!!